
How Kry's Maria Laxell increased adoption by thinking like a marketer.


你已经 found the perfect LMS (learning management system) vendor. 你对齐 愿景、路线图和人才. 你已经 清理预算 并确保了合作关系. After all that work, are you really going to launch your LMS with one small simple Slack message?

当然不是. 你要有策略地工作. You’re going to create a go-to-market plan that excites 和 intrigues your audience. And, here’s a friendly tip – never expect anyone to be excited by the term 'LMS'.

我为什么相信这个? 我看到这些策略获得了巨大的成功. Maria Laxell, L&D at Kry, combines her deep curiosity in marketing with a drive to inspire a love of learning. Her strategy for onboarding Kry to Sana was a masterclass in intriguing 和 exciting a workforce ahead of an LMS rollout.



丽塔:让我们从基础开始吧. 为什么L&D team need a strategy for onboarding employees to their LMS? 你为什么拒绝使用“LMS”这个词??

玛丽亚: 谁会听到“嘿”! 我们有一个新的LMS!’然后变得兴奋起来? 没有人! 在克里成功发射Sana, I needed a strategy that would communicate why learning matters, 有了新工具,学习起来会容易得多.

L&D必须谦虚地面对人们都很忙的事实. 一条宣布推出新LMS的Slack消息可能会丢失. 沟通是我们的工作 学习为什么重要?如何重要. 我们不能指望每个人都因为我们兴奋而兴奋. Being strategic helps us to consider what people need to hear, where, 和 how.

It reminds us that people need to know why learning should be important to them. 我们的工作就是让他们兴奋起来. 另外,即使在人力资源部门,很多人也不知道该怎么做 LMS 或LXP代表. 这就是为什么我从不说" LMS "!



玛丽亚: Product Marketers know their audience 和 how to make them curious. I thought, ‘Let’s think about our new LMS as though it’s the newest product. 我该如何启动它? 我该如何吸引我的观众?’.

这就是市场进入(go-to-market, GTM)策略的用武之地. A GTM strategy is the action-plan Product Marketers create to launch their products successfully. 谁,什么,为什么,什么时候,怎样.

我把这个框架应用到让克里去萨那的过程中. 以“how”为例. Rather than saying ‘嘿 everyone, here’s a fun way to complete assignments!’,我们用一段15秒的Sana视频来取笑员工. It allowed learners a little glimpse of how the tech would feel, how it will work. 比如好的市场营销, it helped them to underst和 how different their life will be once they’re using the tool. 偷窥他们的 学习的新家园.

结果? 我们的人说,‘哦,那是什么?“他们很感兴趣! 我们知道我们的方向是对的.

丽塔:这个视频真是个好主意. 你所有的学习者都喜欢吗?

玛丽亚: Naturally, different groups of people needed other types of information. We realized that all our potential learners fell into three groups: Sana ambassadors 和 general learning fans, 人的经理, 剩下的员工.

我们为每一组创建了不同类型的信息. 这使得, 例如, 人的经理 to know that we’d thought through the implications of a new LMS, 以及这将如何影响他们的团队成员, 以及他们的日常工作.

By anticipating people’s questions 和 worries in advance, we were able to increase trust. 更高的信任, 反过来, makes people more willing to engage with the changes you’re asking them to make.

所以阴谋很重要,是的. 但这只是第一步. 更重要的是证明L&D是支持业务的核心需求和 每个学习者的发展.


丽塔:你还创造了哪些营销资产? 我听说你做了一些很棒的海报!

玛丽亚: Posters are a great way to add interest to an internal marketing strategy. I needed to build on the curiosity we’d created with the 15 second video. I asked our art department to create posters that we could share throughout the company.

Our learning ambassadors gave us great phrases like 'Make learning a habit – you are unique 和 so are your experiences'. We used these along with inspirational growth mindset phrases. 在一起, they helped our employees to underst和 that their new home for learning has been created for them.

假设你在工程部门工作. If you see a poster with words from your friend in Engineering, it’s easier to underst和 that HR is trying to help you learn. 是给你的!


Rita: 你已经 just mentioned the importance of learning ambassadors. 你是如何找到你的第一个小组的?

玛丽亚: 很简单:我找到了最投入的学习者! It’s quite easy to spot the people who approach you for more information about learning, 还有那些参加了很多会议的人.

To start with, I reached out to about eight people across the business. I asked if they’d like to be involved in our new home for learning, simple as that. 我邀请他们参加早期访问, 询问他们对学习的看法, 以及一个私人Slack频道. That way, we could demo features with our most engaged people.

After that, the interest snowballed to people I had never thought of. 我们的大使会告诉我, 例如, “我的朋友喜欢主持, 她能加入Slack频道吗?’. 所以我的前八位大使找到了剩下的!


Sana帮你发起了内部营销活动. 如果我们没有参与,这次发射会是什么样子?

玛丽亚: ​​If Sana hadn’t been so involved, the campaign would not have worked. Sana分享了一些营销视频. I edited these, creating snappy, short videos for our teaser 和 launch day. Br和ed assets helped me to communicate the product 和 its benefits to our learners.

Second — 和 more importantly – Sana took feedback from our learning ambassadors, 改进了产品. 例如, some of our ambassadors told me that it wasn’t possible to narrate their courses, 这让他们很沮丧. 我把这些反馈直接带到了萨那. 不久之后, 我可以回到小组里说, ‘嘿, 你还记得你问的那个旁白功能吗? 现在是直播!'

通过叙事特征, 还有其他建议, my learners experienced that they really are part of the journey with Sana. They have seen that their feedback informs the development of a brilliant product. 这很强大.

When you're used to traditional tools, this two-way communication is unusual. Seeing that Sana took in their feedback 和 built a whole new feature showed people that this learning platform is truly theirs. 这是我的目标之一.


Maria’s inspiring journey tells an important lesson: embrace 和 learn from other disciplines.

L之一&D的核心工作是激发学生对学习的热爱. That can be hard — we’re working against people’s negative emotions, 的态度, 以及过去的教育记忆. What discipline is better at navigating human emotions 和 changing minds than Marketing?

So before you launch your LMS internally, take a step back 和 craft your internal go-to-market plan. You’ll intrigue your audience, build trust, 和 increase your chances of success.


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